by daniellenfairbanks | Aug 25, 2024 | Arizona, Flagstaff
Flagstaff in the Fall: Mind-Blowing Views Flagstaff in the fall is a magical place to be. I have lived in Arizona for over a decade, and have experienced fall colors in Flagstaff for many of those. I want as many people as possible to experience this area of the state...
by daniellenfairbanks | Aug 1, 2024 | Arizona, Flagstaff
Flagstaff in Summer: Arizona’s Mountain Town Summer in Flagstaff is amazing- you NEED to know. Did you know that Flagstaff sits at a higher election than Denver (the mile high city)? It truly is the iconic mountain town of Arizona. It sits at 6,800 ft and holds...
by daniellenfairbanks | Jul 25, 2024 | Hawaii, Outdoorsy Gear
Hawaii Outfits for Girls: Hiking Edition I love planning outfits for vacations, don’t you?! It’s so fun to pick out fun, girly, colorful outfits for whatever you plan on doing- from dinners to shopping to hiking to swimming. Looking for fun Hawaii outfits...
by daniellenfairbanks | Jul 22, 2024 | Arizona, Flagstaff, Shops & Restaurants
Restaurants in Flagstaff That Will Make Your Mouth Water Flagstaff, Arizona is a great getaway ANY time of the year- in the middle of winter, during fall colors, to get away from the valley’s summer heat.. and more. There are so many amazing, unique places to...
by daniellenfairbanks | Jul 14, 2024 | Hawaii
Grand Hyatt Kauai Review: My Honest Opinion When you’re planning a trip, it’s hard to decide where to stay. Hotel? Airbnb? Rough it? Splurge? Even if you narrow it down, it’s hard to know if a place will be as good as the photos look, or if it will...