Page Arizona Caves: The One Hidden Behind the Shell Gas Station

Maybe you’ve come across photos of the some of the epic Page Arizona Caves, or see videos circulating around social media. If you’re like me, you want to visit yourself, but you can’t find instructions. I totally understand! I’m here to help you find it, so let’s get started!
Before we get into the location details, I wanted to briefly talk about the topic of GEOTAGGING vs. GATEKEEPING. Geotagging simply refers to tagging specific locations online. People who are against geotagging want to preserve and protect the land and limit visitation to what the area can handle. Gatekeeping would be the opposite- avoiding tagging locations or not sharing locations to keep others away from a location. People who are against gatekeeping believe the outdoors is for all, and we all should be able to equally access resources.
It is a very controversial topic these days. There is good and bad about each side. I personally ike geotagging. Most of the places I’ve been in my life living in Arizona was because of social media. I want to share that joy with others, and like giving directions so people find it safely. If you don’t agree with me, that is OK. There is room for all of us to coexist. All of our opinions have validity. Life is full of GRAY AREAS.
This hidden cave is located in Page, Arizona. If you didn’t already know, Page, Arizona is about 4.5 hours due north of Phoenix. Page is a hub for areas like Horseshoe Bend, Lake Powell, Glen Canyon, Kanab, Zion, Monument Valley, etc. There is sooo much recreation in the area. The nice thing about this cave is it is such a short walk! It just takes the right directions.
Where is this Amazing Cave?
This is one of the coolest Page Arizona caves- let’s find it! We all know it’s near the Shell Gas Station. But where exactly? Let’s start with a viewpoint looking from the Shell towards the mountains (away from the road). You can see in the photo below I point right to the area the cave is in.

There are TWO places you can park and start walking to this Page Arizona cave. PLEASE be respectful of the surrounding business.
ONE- You can park at the Page Ampitheater. This area has signage, a small parking lot, and the boardwalk. To get to this parking lot, you leave Shell, turn right, and then there’s a separate parking entrance near the Ampitheater.
TWO- You can park on the dirt BEHIND Shell to the Northeast. You’ll see a metal fence and a dirt road going to the right (if you’re looking towards the rock/ Ampitheatre).

I’m going to direct you to this page arizona cave based on EITHER parking location. It seems like it would be so easy to find, but without proper directions, my husband and I were walking around aimlessly or like 20-30 minutes before we found it.
ONE- If you park at the Ampitheatre, look towards the boardwalk, then turn 90 degrees to the right and look at the sandy pathy going up a small hill. Follow that. This path will guide you a few hundred feet RIGHT to the cave (the end weans to the left). HERES THE TIP! You’re not looking directly at the view you saw on social media. From the outside, just looks like a curved alcove.
TWO- If you park to the back right behind Shell, go down the flat, sandy path by the wire fence. To your left, you’ll see a dip in the fence and a flat rock on the ground that will help you step over it. You’ll be looking at the view in the photo above. Go up to the left and the path wraps around to the alcove.

Here’s what surprised me the most that no one told me- to see the view you saw in photos you actually have to go all the way into the alcove and then turn around and look outwards. THEN you’ll see the cave. I thought I was going to walk right into a cave from the front, so I didn’t really see that and was so confused. I was actually in the alcove and passed it because I didn’t think it was it. The photo below shows what it looks like from the outside looking in!

Once you get to the location in the photo above, go all the way to the back of the cave and face outwards. Have someone go on top of the sand dune and use 0.5X ZOOM on your phone (wide angle) to capture the cave, as you’ve seen in the photos. You’re now in one of the coolest page arizona caves. Enjoy!!!

This little gas station is definitely worth it! Now you have proper directions so it’ll be a breeze and you won’t wander around aimlessly like me, haha. I will admit, it was a bit of an Instagram vs. reality moment. The photos are much cooler than looking at the cave itself with your naked eye. Nonetheless, still cool!